Katie ParlaKatie is a New Jersey-native turned ex-pat Roman food writer and culturist, curator, and beverage educator.

Compelled to visit her homeland and explore a place that’s resonated with her, Katie moved to Rome after graduating from Yale. After the romantic connection faded, her interest with the city’s complexities, cultural expressions, and people remained. And so did she. There she began to build a life as a writer, where archeology and food navigated the direction of her career.

She studied Italian Gastronomic Culture and, from that, her food blog was born. She gained attention from the media which led her to realize a career in food writing was something she could pursue in Rome, or anywhere.

Today, she’s written and edited more than 20 books on food. She runs her food blog, ParlaFood.com, where she covers her home of Rome, along with the food scenes of Istanbul, London and New York.

We’re talking on this episode about food in Rome,what’s working and what is not. We also get heavy into Italian craft beer, my personal favorite – what’s happening there, and why don’t we hear more about it.

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Explorer Quote:

“Take risks, why not? Italy’s a cool place to live. And if it gets depressing, you can eat some deep fried rice balls and everything gets better.”

“When people come to Rome, I say skip carbonara for a night and go have Ethiopian. Really get into a culture that’s here been present for nearly a century.”

What We Cover:

  • Why Katie moved to Rome, and how she was able to start a life there as a food writer.
  • Katie’s take on the food scene in Rome, what’s working and what’s not.
  • Italian Craft Beer, how it’s some of the world’s best beer, and why it doesn’t get the recognition it deserve

Explore Further:

Music Credit: Move Slow by Felxprod ft. Jess Abran (Myriad Remix), Intrepid Journey, by Aaron Static

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I’m a lifelong international traveler, the host of The Travelers podcast, and founder of Holocene, a framework and community for writing the story of your life using travel and creativity.