“Trooping through cathedrals, museums and art galleries. with hundreds of other people is increasingly being seen as an experience to avoid rather than desire.”

Elena Paschinger is the author of The Creative Travelers Handbook, the first – and I think only – travel guide for creative travel. What is “Creative Travel” exactly? We dive deep. Deeper than I expected actually so I hope you’ll listen through this whole conversation.

Elena is a multi-lingual Austrian travel writer, consultant, and speaker with a career in tourism management. A year spent living in New Zealand triggered an awareness for the potential creative travel has in this world, and she began to pursue a consultancy around it – to help destinations cultivate their creative offerings to travelers. She speaks seven languages, paints, and you can explore her work and travel writing over at creativelena.com.

This episode is ideal for anyone looking to explore their curiosity and creativity to find transformative experience on the road, to engage with the world and stop being a bystander in the story of their life. Explore your creative side.

41QDPgUL6RL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Pick up a copy of Elena’s book, The Creative Travelers Handbook, part of the Traveler’s Handbook series. The Creative Travelers Handbook provides the first-ever travel guide on creative travel worldwide. Chock full of inspirational stories, travel tips and advice, it offers everything you need for planning and managing your next creative escape, addressing beginners and experienced travelers alike. An indispensable guide to the art of life-seeing instead of sight-seeing.


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I’m a lifelong international traveler, the host of The Travelers podcast, and founder of Holocene, a framework and community for writing the story of your life using travel and creativity.